Saturday 16 March 2013

From Perlis With Love


It is devastating when people contempt the place that you live. I live in Perlis and I just don't understand why why and why some people always says "duduk Perlis nanti kulit gelap" or "Perlis boring" or "Perlis is so kampung". Ufh.. Kalau tak ada kampung tak adalah bandar.

So.. Perlis has something that you might never found in other places in Malaysia.. :)


Mungkin ada yang akan mempertikaikan kualiti buahnya.. Well, at least we have the TAMAN ANGGUR.. Do you? So visit first then you talk ok. ;)
For more information [HERE]


nyumm.. thanks

Kalau musim buah harumanis ni, sepanjang highway di Perlis ni ada saja gerai yang jual.. Actually, saya pun tak tahu bezakan buah ini.. haha.. sebabnya saya makan saja semua mangga tanpa berminat mengetahui jenisnya.. :) But ini only in Perlis y'know..
Famous quote waktu debate "Salam Harumanis!"


Tak payah bersusah payah cari Zoo Perlis dalam map.. memang tak wujud pun.. :(
Tapi Perlis ada Taman Ular dan Reptilia..! Terdapat banyak jenis ular.. Dari yang berbisa sampai yang takde bisa.. Dari kurus cekeding sampai besar macam dalam filem anaconda tu! Ok tipu.

Ada juga buaya, lagi beruks, burung unta, memerang, ninja tortoise  dan banyak lagi.. Ya sepatutnya ditambah namanya jadi Taman Ular dan Reptilia dan Mamalia dan Burung-lia.. or maybe simple nya zoo? Mini Zoo mungkin? Takder la gajah and singa..

Simpati kat memerang ni :(


Last saya pergi umur 5 tahun.. haha 13 years ago.. kira first and the last time.. Tak berkesempatan nak pergi :(
So I can't figure out what is happening there now..
Yang saya ingat di situ ada tasik.. ada rusa.. dulu la. and ada kelawar!.. :p


Tempat famous nak mandi ayaq terjun!


I haven't been there yet. Sebab saya tak suka mendaki.. :) So those who love hiking can go there.


So yang banyak kutuk Perlis try check beras korang datang dari mana.. ( I know negeri lain pun ada sawah hehe)


Ehem.. try check gula pulak.. ahahaha.. Aiman Azlan yang youtuber tu pernah shoot video Ramadan di sini.. cantik sangat.


Murah murah! Orang mulut pot pet pot pet rasanya lagi berpeluang dapat diskaun yang gempak kalau pandai ayat mak cik yang jual tu.. haha


Masjid yang sangat cantik.. 

Dulu ada cerita kat slot akasia yang shooting kat sini. Tapi dalam cerita tu asyik cakap kat Langkawi. Geram! Malu ke nak mengaku yang shooting di Perlis?
And as you know, kat Kuala Perlis ni ada laut, and ada laksa Kuala Perlis!


Why sekolah?? Sebab dekat sini pun banyak great schools! We have SMS Tuanku Syed Putra, MRSM Berseri and my beloved school SMK Derma!

Sekolah pertama di Perlis dapat title Sekolah Kluster :)
And this school's name pun unique kan.. Sebab sekolah ini terbina hasil wang derma penduduk Perlis..
So it is named Derma English School. Nak tahu lebih lanjut [SINI WEH] 
Ada saja yang panggil Donate High School.. haha.. sayang DERMA.. <3 

Yang paling ohsem-ness mestilah kami punya Loghat Utagha!

Kat sini tak dak sebut seposen or dua posen or tiga posen. . . sini sekupang dua pang tiga pang.. haha..Dengan orang yang tak  berapa rapat, tapi still utara, kata ganti dirinya ialah 'kami-hangpa'.
Kalau 'aku-hang' kira sahabat kamceng dah.

Bahasa utara memang kasaq tapi kami lembut~ :3

Ok jangan lupa visit Perlis..
Walaupun saya lahir di Perak, tapi saya membesar di Perlis.. And I really love Perlis.. Memang Perlis tak dak Mid Valley, I-City, Tesco, Giant and what so ever.. Tapi Perlis ada kami, rakyat yang sayangkannya.. Hewhew.. And you please respect other state. Don't forget that Perlis is a part of Malaysia too. Stop anaktirikan Perlis.. ha ha..


Surah AlHadid. Ayat 020.
Ketahuilah bahawa (yang dikatakan) kehidupan dunia itu tidak lain hanyalah (bawaan hidup yang berupa semata-mata) permainan dan hiburan (yang melalaikan) serta perhiasan (yang mengurang), juga (bawaan hidup yang bertujuan) bermegah-megah di antara kamu (dengan kelebihan, kekuatan dan bangsa keturunan) serta berlumba-lumba membanyakkan harta benda dan anak pinak; (semuanya itu terhad waktunya) samalah seperti hujan yang (menumbuhkan tanaman yang menghijau subur) menjadikan penanamnya suka dan tertarik hati kepada kesuburannya, kemudian tanaman itu bergerak segar (ke suatu masa yang tertentu), selepas itu engkau melihatnya berupa kuning; Akhirnya ia menjadi hancur bersepai dan (hendaklah diketahui lagi, bahawa) di akhirat ada azab yang berat (di sediakan bagi golongan yang hanya mengutamakan kehidupan dunia itu) dan (ada pula) keampunan besar serta keredhaan dari Allah (disediakan bagi orang-orang yang mengutamakan akhirat) dan (ingatlah, bahawa) kehidupan dunia ini tidak lain hanyalah kesenangan bagi orang-orang yang terpedaya.

Surah Luqman. Ayat 010.
Dia menciptakan langit dengan tidak bertiang sebagaimana yang kamu melihatnya; dan Dia mengadakan di bumi gunung-ganang yang menetapnya supaya bumi itu tidak menghayun-hayunkan kamu dan Dia biakkan padanya berbagai jenis binatang; dan Kami menurunkan hujan dari langit, lalu Kami tumbuhkan di bumi berbagai jenis tanaman yang memberi banyak manfaat.

Saturday 2 March 2013

Cats Abuse


" What the heck is this cat doing down the table. Shuhh I hate a beggar cat. Go now or I dushh dushh you"

Ooh.. How I feel like to dushh dushh the belly of anybody who says that.
Sometime I wonder what are the kinda person's problems? What's wrong with their hearts? Where is the sympathy that should be inside the heart of every human being?

Furthermore, what are the faults that all those neglected cats have done to us? Don't we should know that they also know what is meant by hungry. They also feel the pain when we hit them.

If they have the ability to do work like us, if they have the money, I'm sure they will not begging for food! It is fine if you think they don't have any single right on your food, but please take note that you too don't have any single right to harm them!

Look into ourself inside the mirror. We too are not perfect and will not be one. It just that, please realize that we are just a.. servant.. A servant to Him. Then, what are our rights to treat them like a servant if we ourselves are the servants? Shame. Or we do that so that there is anybody treat us like that too? Not, right?
If we want all the things in this world to be nice to us, so we have got to play it square by trying to be one as what we give we get back.

Even Allah's messenger, Muhammad S.A.W loves cats. Once, Rasulullah was about to take his jubah when he saw Mueeza sleeping on it. Rasulullah then cut the arm portion which Mueeza was sleeping on in order not to wake his favourite cat. The person that Allah loves the most loves cats so much until he treat the cat like his own family. Ask ourselves how much Allah loves us? And we still arrogantly hate them like we already have enough loves for ourselves.

Remember.. because of a dog a prostitute got His forgiveness. And because of a cat the worshiper got a place in the hell. Allah loves all His creatures, and who we are to hate them?

Seriously, I'm not writing to force you to love the cats. No. It's okay if you scared to them. Me too have being in your shoes before. But, I'm forcing you to stop cat abuse.

Maybe today we chase them.
Who knows one day we will being chased?
Maybe today we broke their legs.
Who knows one day people broke our legs?

Maybe today we give them some fish.
Who knows one day Allah redoubled our wealth?
Maybe today we gives them lots of loves.
And In Sha Allah, He will loves us and place us under His bless in the Hereafter.

Save us




p/s : Please ignore the broken english. grammar error bla bla bla error.. =)