Thursday 13 December 2012

Salam Harum manis

I am just an ordinary human beings.
I always write broken English ( at least i'm trying huh)
Sometimes there are few silly mistakes, thus your help is really appreciated.
I am not good in writing but I love to thinking something outside the box and yeah the best way to share them   
are through typing and writing.
Do I am a story-teller then? nope, i don't.
I hope writing will help me to improve my English, enlarge my vocabularies.
  till then!

# Hadis pilihan kali ini,
Hadith :
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang bermaksud: ”Orang pintar ialah sesiapa yang memuliakan dirinya serta membuat persediaan untuk kehidupan selepas mati, sementara orang bodoh ialah sesiapa yang membiarkan dirinya mengikut hawa nafsu serta mengharapkan cita-citanya dikabulkan oleh Allah.”

Riwayat at-Tirmidzi

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